Week 3 of the Gloriousest Comic Experiment Ever
Look! An official trailer!
So I'm still figuring this out.
I’m still new at this whole thing here.
I’m starting small with Azure Claw Comics so that I can get some stuff out into the world and expand from there.
Ninja Thief vs. Undead Hunter is only 2 pages long, but don’t despair!
The next iteration is coming, and it’ll be a magnificent 4 pages!
For updates, you can check out what I post on Tumblr, or point your gaze toward the beautiful and sophisticated official Azure Claw Comics Facebook page!
For anyone who might forget either of those links, I’ve got handy little social buttons up in the corner there!
Isn’t it great?
I feel like it’s great.
Change Log?
- Since last time…
- I realized I can make columns and lists and stuff, and that’s pretty neat!
- Created a contact page.
- Created an official Facebook page, for social media stuff!
- Added an applet to the contact page so you can talk to the Facebook page from the contact page, if you’re into that.
- There’s an official trailer for Ninja Thief vs. Undead Hunter (up above).
- Still left to do…
- An “about” page, explaining more about this project
- A “characters” page, so you can meet the cast
- A “story so far” page, so no one ever feels lost beneath the eternally running faucet of the Azure Claw timeline.
- More social medias, maybe?
- Known issues
- Comic Easel seems to be inconsistent when it comes to subjective things like “what time is it?”, and so it posts new comic pages like four hours earlier than I tell it to.
- Text posts look weird, and subheadings are weirdly separated from the stuff below them.
- The social media link says to “Friend on Facebook”, even though the link is to an official page. You can like it, and Azure Claw Comics likes you too, but you can never be friends with Azure Claw Comics.